Array Shuffle

Uses a ds_list to shuffle an array

 Script array_shuffle

//array: the array to shuffle. Indices must start at zero or one.
//size: the size of the array (how many elements are in the array)
//zero_based: true if indices start at 0, false if they start at 1

//set up some values for us to use
var list,i,ret,array,top,bottom,zero_based;
array = argument0;
top = argument1;
zero_based = argument2;
bottom = 0;
if (!zero_based) {
    top +=1;
    bottom += 1;

//create a list, fill it, and shuffle it
list = ds_list_create();
for (i=bottom; i<top; i+=1) {

//put the list back into a new array
for (i=bottom; i<top; i+=1) {
    ret[i] = ds_list_find_value(list,i);

//clean up the list when we're done

//return the new, shuffled array
return ret;