Orbiting Cherries

Something I use myself for making stuff orbit around a point or an object.

 Example Use

    with(objCherry) { if tag = other.id {
        sprite_index = sprCherry; 
    } }

 Create objCherry

//Orbit Variables
orbit = false
orbit_obj = 0;
orbit_x = 0;
orbit_y = 0;
orbit_ang = 0; // not used in scrMakeOrbit
orbit_rad = 0; // not used in scrMakeOrbit
orbit_rad_dev = 0;
orbit_rad_min = 0;
orbit_rad_max = 0;
orbit_rad_increase = 0; // not used in scrMakeObject
orbit_flux = 0;
orbit_flux_smth = 0;
orbit_flux_smth_counter = 0; // not used in scrMakeOrbit
orbit_sp = 0;
orbit_clockwise = 0;

 Script scrMakeOrbit


/* argument Information
orbit_obj [-100,id]
    This determines wether the objects will spin around a sepcific object, or at some point.
orbit_x [n]
    The x posistion for orbiting.
orbit_y [n]
    The y posistion for orbiting.
orbit_rad_dev [n]
    The speed at which the orbiting objects will expand / contract. [Does not apply to smooth fluctuation.]
orbit_rad_min [n]
    The minimum radius the orbiting objects can have.
orbit_rad_max [n]
    The maximum radius the orbiting objects can have.
orbit_flux [true/false]
    Whether or not the orbiting object's radius will fluctuate.
orbit_flux_smth [true/false]
    Whether or not the orbiting object's radius fluctuation will be smooth or not.
orbit_speed [n]
    The speed at which the orbiting objects rotate around the object or point.
orbit_clockwise [true/false]
    Does it rotate clockwise, or counter clockwise?

//Apply values to variables within objCherry

if (x = xstart && y = ystart) { // incriment out if at starting pos [doesn't work if at start pos]
    speed = 1;
    x += hspeed;
    y += vspeed;
    speed = 0;
orbit = true // enable orbit flag
// pass variables: 
if argument0 != -100 { orbit_obj = argument0; } else { orbit_obj = -100 };
orbit_x = argument1
orbit_y = argument2
orbit_rad_dev = argument3
orbit_rad_min = argument4
orbit_rad_max = argument5
orbit_flux = argument6
orbit_flux_smth = argument7
orbit_sp = argument8
orbit_clockwise = argument9

// calculate ang and radius
if orbit_obj != -100 { 
    orbit_ang = point_direction(orbit_obj.x,orbit_obj.y,x,y)-180
    orbit_rad = distance_to_point(orbit_obj.x,orbit_obj.y)
} else { 
    orbit_ang = point_direction(orbit_x,orbit_y,x,y)
    orbit_rad = distance_to_point(orbit_x,orbit_y)
// check if increase or decrease
if orbit_rad > orbit_rad_max { 
    orbit_rad_inc = false 
} else { 
    orbit_rad_inc = true 

 Script scrOrbit [Goes in Step Event of objCherry]

if (orbit == true) {
    if (instance_exists(orbit_obj) && orbit_obj != -100) { 
        with(orbit_obj) { // grab orbitX & orbitY from orbit_obj
            other.orbit_x = x; other.orbit_y = y;
    } else if (orbit_obj != -100) {
        orbit = false;
    // rad calculation
    if (orbit_flux) { // if flux enabled
        if (orbit_flux_smth) { // smth
            orbit_flux_smth_counter += orbit_rad_dev; // increase counter by script given val
            var orbit_smth_limit = (orbit_rad_max - orbit_rad_min)/2; // define limits for smth
            orbit_rad = (orbit_smth_limit)*cos(degtorad(orbit_flux_smth_counter))+orbit_smth_limit
        } else { // not smth
            if (orbit_rad_inc) { // If orbit_rad_inc flag is true
                orbit_rad += orbit_rad_dev // Increase orbit_rad by fixed val
            } else {
                orbit_rad -= orbit_rad_dev // Decrease orbit_rad by fixed val
            if (orbit_rad > orbit_rad_max) { orbit_rad = orbit_rad_max; orbit_rad_inc = false;} // set to limit + set flag
            if (orbit_rad < orbit_rad_min) { orbit_rad = orbit_rad_min; orbit_rad_inc = true;} // set to limit + set flag
    } else { // no fluctuation [go to orbit_rad_max]
        if (orbit_rad < orbit_rad_max) { orbit_rad += orbit_rad_dev; } // you're not at max. keep going 
        if (orbit_rad > orbit_rad_max) { orbit_rad = orbit_rad_max; } // you're at max congrats
    if (orbit_clockwise) { // clockwise
        orbit_ang += orbit_sp; // incriment ang
    } else { // counterclockwise
        orbit_ang -= orbit_sp; // incriment ang
    // make the shit spin yo
    x = orbit_x + orbit_rad * cos(orbit_ang * pi / 180);
    y = orbit_y - orbit_rad * sin(orbit_ang * pi / 180);